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Resources / Indirect glue
indirect glue
Application: SoundHorse Sigafoos with Dr. Craig Lesser
indirect glue
Sigafoos Bar Shoe By Travis Burns
The ability to combine glue on shoe and a heartbar expands the capabilities of the farrier to provide service in unique circumstances. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate one method of modifying a SoundHorse Sigafoos horseshoe into a heart bar.
SoundHorse FoalTraxx: Additional Traction
SoundHorse FoalTraxx: Modification with ThermoPad
Application: SoundHorse FoalTraxx
indirect glue
SoundHorse Sigafoos for the Laminitic Horse
indirect glue
Application: SoundHorse Sigafoos
indirect glue
Removal: SoundHorse Sigafoos
indirect glue
Sigafoos Universal Cuff Instructions
Learn how to apply the Sigafoos Universal Cuff.
indirect glue
Removal: SoundHorse Sigafoos
Learn how to remove Sigafoos shoes.
indirect glue
Sigafoos Application
Learn how to quickly and easily apply Sigafoos shoes.